Home to curated courses and hand picked quality tutors who are passionate about their courses and experienced in remote teaching.
Welcome to Flairangle!
Global Reach
Wherever you are, wherever you go and whenever you have time, you'll find our tutors with you!
Skilled Tutors
Whether you want to develop as a professional or just beginning, there's a right tutor and a course for that.
Diverse Courses
Whether you want to learn music, dive in academics or dabble in art, there's an online course for that.
At What We Believe
Our culture is diverse, inclusive, and committed to personal and professional development. We’re not afraid to take on a new challenge, and we love taking courses!

What Kids Say
We love feedback and take it very seriously. Nothing less but absolute learner’s delight motivates our team. Here are some of the selected feedback from our happy learners or their parents!
"The guitar class is not only fun but really interesting. I not only learned about basics of Guitar chords but also started with my favorite song 'Best Day of My Life' - we have done so many things that are really fun and I really recommend it!"
"I like the way my Tutor teaches us in a friendly manner. I started my class during lock down and it has been going on fantastic, I learn new concepts in every class and participate in various recitals. I loved learning 'Fur Elise' which is my all time favorite, thank you!"
"My daughter likes going to Flairangle classes as she learns concepts like worth of each piece, promotion, check, checkmate and stalemate. She learned how to play properly and move her pieces in a game, did challenges and games and it's really fun!"
"I wait for Wednesday to meet my Singing class teacher. She is so sweet and works with me patiently. I loved learning Moana song 'How far I'll go' and these days I'm having fun learning Frozen song 'Do you wanna build a snowman'!"
Pulse of Flairangle
Do whatever makes you happy – explore our courses to learn what you love. Unlock new opportunities and spread the smile around!
Discover a Hobby
If you want to discover a new hobby and pursue music or want to learn a new language, there's an online course for that.
Develop a Profession
Whether you want to develop as a professional in singing, sound mixing or playing an instrument, there's an online course for that.
Learn New Skills
If you want to learn new language or find solace in music, there's an online course for that.